would you like to become a
Putnam County master gardener?

5 Simple Steps to Become a Certified Tennessee Master Gardener
Return this form and we will mail you an application for the next class.
Complete the application.
Attend an Extension Master Gardener training (40 hours of training the first year).
Volunteer, representing UT Extension, and report your hours of service (40 hours of volunteering the first year).
Re-certify the next year!
Becoming a Master Gardener is an excellent way to serve your community by volunteering with civic organizations, public libraries, and school groups. Master Gardeners share the joy of plants and gardening while teaching others about nature and the environment.
Code of Conduct
Pat O'Mara
Gale mentzer
The Tennessee Extension Master Gardener Program is an educational and community service program designed by the University of Tennessee to provide unbiased, research-based information to the gardening public. Community members and families across Tennessee place trust in UT Extension to provide quality leadership and education for both adult and youth participants. This opportunity to interact with and serve the people of Tennessee is a privileged position of trust that should only be held by those who are willing to commit to uphold behavior that fulfills this trust. Therefore, code of conduct guidelines have been developed to convey the expectations for volunteers, specifically those associated with the Tennessee Extension Master Gardener program.
As a Tennessee Extension Master Gardener volunteer I will:
Represent University of Tennessee Extension with dignity and pride.
Respect all persons with whom I interact as a Tennessee Extension Master Gardener (Extension personnel, fellow volunteers and the general public).
Accept guidance and support from county, regional and state Extension staff while involved in the Tennessee Extension Master GardenerProgram.
Obey the laws of the locality, state and union.
Respect and follow university, county and program policies and guidelines.
Participate as a team member within the Tennessee Extension Master GardenerProgram.
Accept responsibility to promote and support other Tennessee Extension Master Gardeners in order to develop an effective county and stateprogram.
Conduct myself in a courteous, respectful manner refraining from profanity,harassment, disruptive behavior or abuse of any kind (physical or verbal).
Provide a positive role model when working with youth.
Comply with Tennessee mandatory reporting laws when working with youth.
Comply with Equal Opportunity and anti-discrimination laws.
Avoid illegal or inappropriate use of alcohol and other drugs.
Respect and use chemicals, tools and other equipment according to recommended purposes.
The full code of conduct can be found at the web address below.
extension.tennessee.edu/MasterGardener/Documents/TEMG Volunteer Agreement_2018.pdf
In addition to these guidelines developed for the TEMG program, it should be understood that TEMG volunteers are responsible to uphold UT policies for conduct (HR0508) and programs for minors (SA0575).
The full Tennessee Extension Master Gardener Program Volunteer Handbook with Statewide Guidelines and Procedures can be found at web address below.