Hello Master Gardener Volunteers and Interns!
This page is dedicated to our amazing volunteers and interns. Here you will find information on our upcoming internal meetings, volunteer opportunities, continuing education opportunities, and where to log your hours.
See the latest PCMG Newsletter- Newsletter- May 2023
Upcoming Meetings
We meet the 3rd Monday of every month. Come at 5:30pm to join the potluck. Meeting begins at 6pm.
Summer Meetings:
May 15
June 19
July 17
August 21
Volunteers Needed
Fair Building-Weed and clean beds
Fair Display Planning (Sign-up Online, at a meeting, or contact Brant to serve on this project)
Fair Working the PCMG Area (Sign up Online, at a meeting, or contact Brant to serve on this project)
Continuing Education Opportunities
June 9 & 10: Central Region EMG Conference
Log Your Hours!
Log both your volunteer and continuing education hours on your Volunteer Dashboard. Use your email and the password provided to you during your internship training.